Thursday, August 21, 2008

4 of 1141

So, I've been a little disappointed that every time I show off pictures of my family to people at work, they, of course, want to see pictures of my wife as well.  We haven't posted very many pictures of my wife.  So, I decided to look through our pictures to find a few to post.  Over the past couple years, we have taken 1141 pictures (at least, that's how many we have downloaded to our computer).  Of those 1141 pictures, I found Shelly in 4 of them.  Four!  How is that even possible?  I guess there were a few more pictures of her, but some of them were pictures of her with a bike helmet on, etc (not her favorite pics).  Anyway, the point is, we have probably about 20 pictures or fewer that have my wife in them--and it's not because she's camera-shy.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that there aren't too many more of me in there (maybe around 40), which means the other 1000 or so are pics of our beautiful children.  Shelly's excuse for not being in pictures is that she's taking the pics.  My excuse is that I'm not around when the pics are being taken. 

Anyway, more for me than for anyone else, here are some pics of my wife, so I can at least show people at work how my kids turned out so cute.

Shelly and kids (with the Wells' kids) at a parade last winter.

Christmas pic 2 years ago (Christmas 06)

Shelly concentrating (love it when she sticks out her tongue when she's working on something/concentrating)


Emilee said...

Moms are never in pictures. That's just part of life. And I'm not sure I'm too unhappy about it, actually. (Plus, moms are the editors of the pictures on the computer. Really unattractive pictures of me just have this tendency to disappear.) I especially like the picture with Shelly's tongue sticking out.

Lynn said...

Ken, thanks for both posts. I really enjoyed reading them and seeing the pictures. You really DO have good-looking children, and it comes from BOTH of you!

Jackie Jones said...

I like it when the husbands do posts. Thanks for the posts, they were fun!