Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Boys

We are getting ready to move. Things are getting boxed and moved. Chase thought it was fun to crawl onto this shelf. When I started taking pictures, Caden wanted in on the action.


Judy said...

Such CUTE boys! Love those matching smiles! Good luck with the move. I hate moving OUT, but I love moving IN!

chrisjones said...

You are not going to know what to do with yourselves when you finally get into a house and get to stay there!

Love those cute boys!

Lisa said...

I'm stumped! I thought you just moved out of your apartment into a house not too long ago?!?!?!

-confused in Idaho ;-)

Joe and Dawn said...

Shelly I don't know how you do it. You are amazing! Ava is just beautiful. How has having 5 been;)?Where are you guys headed to now?

Liora said...

You poor things! You are not destined to be stable in South Dakota! Are you renting another house? I hope you do not have to go back to an apartment!! You are totally a superwoman!! I don't know how you do it!

Scott and Lindsay said...

Good luck moving! What a chore, but especially with a new born! Do you need any out-of-town helpers??:) We're not too far! You're amazing!