Friday, December 11, 2009


Ketchup is my kids favorite food (ok so ketchup is not actually a food).  This post is actually about catching up not ketchup.  Here is some of what we have been up to.

Went to Maumee for the Holiday Hustle and Parade

I ran the 'Holiday Hustle', a 5K.  It was a lot of fun.  I was really happy because I ran the whole way and actually got a pretty good time.  I was nervous for the race because I didn't get to train because of sick kids and unexpected trips.  We stayed after the race to watch the parade.  We ran into our friends the Phillips and Ericksens.

Chase loves to hold onto the sides of his car seat with both hands, so cute.

Jordan got a haircut.
I have loved it!  Not only is it cute on her, but it is so much easier to do in the morning.  No more crying as I try to comb out her hair.

Went to the Imagination Station.
The Imagination Station is a children's museum that recently reopened.

Ironically I think their favorite part was this ball thing just outside of the entrance.  There is pool balls that roll down different obstacle courses.

I got suckered...
into buying pizza.  This local pizza shop had all of the kids at Kailyn's school decorate pizza boxes.  Then they had a day where a percentage of all sales would go to the school and you got your pizza delivered in your child's decorated box.  I'm telling it was a good idea.  What kid doesn't want to see a pizza delivered in their pizza box?  I have never seen this pizza place so busy.  I figured for $6 I could do my part.

We hired our first babysitter.
Not bad considering our oldest is 6.  We normally just swap with friends but we were going to a party with friends so if we wanted to go we needed to hire a sitter.  We have actually used a sitter 2 other times-- once with a group of friends and the second was with family when the kids were already in bed.

All the sitter had to do was read the 3 oldest a story (Chase was already in bed asleep) and tuck them in.  Kailyn has this thing about having a bed time snack.  She tries all the time to get one, ever since she found out one of her friends gets one.  We normally don't eat anything after dinner.  Well, Kailyn told the sitter that on special occasions they get a snack before bed.  I guess the sitter gave them carrots and string cheese, at least it was a healthy snack.  Kailyn is such a silly girl, I don't know why she is so obsessed with getting a snack at night.

I got a new camera!
This is one of the reasons there has not been any updates for a little bit.  I have been having too much fun playing with my new camera to do a post.

Ken won a gift card from a conference he went to and gave it to me to spend however I wanted.  So I decided to take my birthday/Christmas money I have been saving and the gift card and use it to get a new camera.  I got some great advice from my cousin Brent on what kind to get and my friend Leisy found a great deal on Amazon.  Thanks for your help guys.

I love my camera!  I have been having so much fun playing with it.  I was so annoyed with our other camera because the pictures were not very good quality.  I have not actually downloaded any pictures yet, but they will be coming soon.  Oh, and if you are wondering I got the Nikon D3000.


Stacy said...

Wow you guys have been busy! I am really excited for you and your new camera! Can't wait to see some pics!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Looks like you've been having a lot of fun. Love Jordan's haircut! And love the pizza box, what a great idea! And awesome job running a 5k!!

Lisa said...

Cool camera!! That is so exciting! I also loved the pizza box; what a great idea! I had to chuckle with the bedtime snack because my boys do that every night as well. Too funny!

Renae said...

What a great idea for getting pizza. I'd buy a box I decorated. I love the updates! I noticed Jordan's hair at church and it's super cute. I can't believe I missed you at the race, great job! When is the next one? I can babysit for you anytime.

Kent and Leisy said...

I want to see your picture sof the nutcracker! oh- and my kids' FAVORITE place at the museum is also the big ball contraption. Last time we sat there for forty five minutes. I can't complain, though. It's easy to keep an eye on them when we are there.

McKay and Ashley Pearson said...

Man you guys have been busy! I love Jordan's haircut! so cute. I also love your new camera. And I bet you love you too.