Friday, November 6, 2009


So here are the things that our kids have done lately that make me smile.

Chase loves kisses. If you ask for a kiss, he will stop, focus on my face, tilt his head and lean in for a slobbery kiss. Sometimes he even grabs my face to turn it so he can kiss me.

Here is a picture of Jordan's latest artwork.

Grandma and Grandpa Jones sent a Halloween package. Inside was some socks for the kids. Caden decided one pair would make great mittens. He wore them everywhere for a week. To the school to pick up Kailyn, to the store, and even to bed.

Jordan can not seem to remember to not pick up Chase. Here is the solution she came up with on her own. It is a picture of her in the middle and Chase crawling in the the bottom right corner. Then she wrote 'Do not pick up Chase' (with some help). She then hung it on the fridge to remind her. I wouldn't say it worked great but I loved her creativity.


Stacy said...

What cute kiddos! We sure miss hanging out by the pool, sand, park where ever with you guys!

Lisa said...

I can't believe how that last picture of Jordan reminds me of Megan! What a cutie!

brittani c. said...

Such a sweet picture of you and Chase. Sloppy baby kisses are the best!

Jorden and Jessica said...

I do have some of the cutest nieces and nephews ever! I love the picture of Chase giving you a kiss. So sweet!

Lynn said...

Mighty cute!