Kailyn has been learning to play the piano. Ken teaches her when he gets a chance and I help her otherwise. She just finished her first book. She also continues to improve on her reading. I am amazed at how well she reads. Her teacher too has been very impressed and asked me just the other day if we read a lot at home because Kailyn is doing so well.
With a new baby and sick kids we have been in the house a lot, way more then I like to be. Jordan has not liked it very much either and starts being a pickle when she is cooped up too long. She starts finding ways to annoy her brother and sister by taking things from them and running away with them. I can't wait for spring. I think Jordan can't wait either.
Other things about Jordan. She is in a really laughing mood lately. She loves telling me silly things and then laughing in her silly, fake laugh. I love it. She has really gotten into books and loves to look at them. She always picks out a ton of books every time we go to the library.
Jordan has a good imagination and loves to pretend. The other day she came in and showed me this carrot and told me it was ants on a log, but just for pretend. She wanted me to take a picture so that she could show her dad.
Jordan was sick earlier. She kept me up all night (along with Chase). I was so exhausted getting out of bed and going to her room to help her that I finally moved her into our room on the floor. The next day Caden thought that looked pretty fun and brought all of his blankets in too. He loves his sisters. Jordan and him are constantly chasing each other and wrestling each other, laughing the whole time.
He is a pretty good kid and is constantly making me laugh with his cuteness.
Chase has not been sleeping very well. Friday night was a particularly bad night. He was up every hour to half hour and was up crying for the day at 5. The last few days he hasn't been sleeping very well during the day either. Sleeping no more than 15 minutes at a time. He loves to be held but it makes it impossible for me to get anything done. Thank goodness he slept a little better last night. I was really to the point of not functioning and getting major sleep deprivation headaches. I'm just so thankful I am a person that doesn't need a lot of sleep, I'm barely surviving as it is.
The first time he hasn't hollered for his bath. I think he liked listening to the water fall from the faucet.
I love when babies discover their hands. Its hard to see in this picture but he was focusing so hard on trying to hold his hand still.
Good news! Chase finally smiled today. He smiled at Ken...how fair is that? I really think he should be smiling for me, after all I am the one up all night with him, I hold him all day and I am the one that feeds him. I tried to get a picture of it but was only able to get a slight grin.Here are some pictures of him getting some tummy time.
awh! look at him holding that head up! Your kids are the cutest and are getting SO big. hang in there Shelley, it can only get better right? He will get bigger and sleep better etc. You are doing great :) I think I am one of those people that need lots of sleep, although I am slowly getting by with less and less as the years go by. Maybe by my 4th I will be able to function on a total of 4 hours :)
i can't believe Kailyn is reading! Seems like yesterday we were playing at the sandbox at Midwestern. :)
I feel for you. You need a break!! I hope you have a few good girl friends who wouldn't mind taking your other three kids for a while to give you a little break. I had to laugh at the whole Ryan smiling at ken. You definitely should have been the first :) Hang in there.
The picture of Jordan looking at Ryan looks a LOT like Kailyn. Did you notice? As always, Shelly, you are amazing. On the phone you said Ryan is sleeping better (sometimes). Thank heaven for that. Love ya,
To Kailyn: I don't think I remembered to congratulate you on finishing your first piano book. It was fun to hear you play when I visited you. Great job, Kailyn! We're so proud of you!
Grandma and Grandpa Bassett
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