Thursday, November 2, 2017

May 2017

I love the music programs that our elementary puts on, especially our Kindergarten program. The songs and kids are so stink'n cute! Ava is top row middle.

Ava had a speaking part and did awesome! She was easy to hear and understand.

Chase wanted to trying doing a new hairstyle on his own. Looking good Chase!

Jordan had to do something called a passion project. No surprise she baked something. She is breaking up some hard candy to put on some cupcakes she made.

Jordan's friend Reese helping to make cupcakes for their project. (Hannah is looking on and hoping she will get to lick something)

We had a really wet, heavy snow fall late in the season this year. Sadly it destroyed our tree in the front yard. The kids love climbing in this tree. So sad to come home and see our tree laying in the yard.

Another view of the tree. Many trees in our neighborhood were killed. 

Well, Jordan finally talked us into getting a dog. Here she is helping to pick out the puppy we want (Caden was with us but I sadly didn't get a good picture of us).

Here is our the puppy we picked at 6 weeks old. He was so tiny.

Ironically, this is the puppy Jordan didn't want when we were looking at pictures before we went to pick.

This is the puppy she wanted based on pictures but he was way too timid for our big family.

I love my book club! Here we are in a parking garage after seeing a movie based on a book we read. As part of the evening we ended up eating brownies out of the pan in the parking garage. 

Picture from Kaiyn's last day of Middle School.

Ava getting an award from her soccer couch. She has had him for the last two years and was so sad when she found out he wasn't going to be her couch next year. He has been my favorite couch of any of the couches that my kids have had.

Ava with her couch and soccer team

Ava is super happy when we going swimming at our community pool.

Hannah was tired and not in a very good mood.

Luckily, Ava was there to cheer up Hannah.

Gotta love big sisters.

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