Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cheaper by the half-dozen and The Big Reveal

Yes, she washed her hands afterwards

This video so perfectly captures our kids in their true personalities.
Kailyn: understanding right away, helping others understand, at first admitting she did not know Mom was pregnant but later stating she kind of suspected something (whether she did or not).
Jordan: taking a little bit to understand and then displaying her typical "yellow" personality.  She's also always been very concerned about "fairness (as it affects her)."  Notice later in the clip she's counting the cookies.
Caden: approaching Shelly with "No wonder it looks like you're . . . " and then recognizing he might offend Shelly and making sure the baby was growing and THAT's why Shelly "looks like she is going to have a baby."  Later he's excited and jumping around and hitting Ava with a balloon and talking like a grown up toddler ("a boo-boo").
Chase: hanging low but putting in his two cents every once in awhile.  Soft spoken.  Mostly just going along with whatever but at some point, if bothered/offended, he'll cry his loud high-pitched cry (not in the video).
Ava: distracted by the balloons and jumping/twirling round and round.  Later, wanting to be a part of the celebration, says the one thing she can think of that is appropriate for a moment like this, "Happy Birthday, Mommy!"


chrisjones said...

That video is priceless! So fun! We can't wait to meet baby Bassett

Brenda said...

my favorite part...Happy Birthday Mommy! then"and your going to name it Michelle?" Congrats guys! so excited for you!

The Bassetts said...

I loved that video - so funny! I loved Caden's response, a six year old has such amazing tact. It was fun to watch it register on their faces what the pink balloons and ultrasound meant. Thanks for sharing!

Emilee said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Love the video! So glad that you captured it! Congrats again :)