Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An Evening with Dad

Remember the post a few months ago about what Shelly does all day?  Well, here are unstaged photos of what the kids do when Dad is in charge.

Caden practicing his fine motor skills . . .

Chase offering his help, Caden allowing Chase to help.

Cooperative play at its best.  Kailyn looking for a story to read to Ava.

Jordan practicing her piano as Kailyn reads a story to Ava and the boys work on homework/funwork.

A little later in the evening, I found Ava looking for her mom.  This is our bed.  Ava thinks this is the magic place where her mom can always be found.

No luck.  No Mom.

Rubbing those eyes.  A good sign it's time to put her to bed.
Caden, on a different night, passed out with fatigue.

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

Why do children always look for their mom in her bed? She never gets to lay around in bed, and is almost never to be found there.

I'm loving all these updates! Keep them coming!