Saturday, September 4, 2010

What we love (most?) about our new place . . .

. . . besides the master bath and the garbage disposal (both upgrades): SWIMMING!! Our kids have gone from deathly afraid of water to little fishes in less than a month. Here are some fun pics (videos on the next post):

Kailyn, demonstrating a "canonball"

Kailyn requesting Ken throw her in the air

Kailyn jumping off of Ken's hands

Jordan demonstrating the straight-leg/no-splash jump (look closely, she is in the air).

Jordan jumping off of Ken's hands

Caden . . . scared? cold? being goofy? all of the above. Our most nervous swimmer, by far. . .

. . . but night-and-day different from a month ago. Our most improved, without a doubt. Demonstrating a "canonball."

Chase, lovin' the dual-floaties . . .

. . . and thrilled, as always, to be tossed at his daddy's whim.

Chase, flyin' high.


Judy said...

What really stands out for me is how TALL Kailyn is! WOW, how are they all growing so fast???

Susan said...

that's SO great you have a pool to use! They only way we get to swim is either driving to the city pool (which is now closed for the school year, even though it's still 105 out), or hoping friends will invite us over to use their pools. :)

chrisjones said...

What is most amazing about all these pictures is that KEN is there!!! Welcome to REAL family life!