Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Love! Love! Love! my new camera.

Did I mention I love my new camera? It was totally worth saving all of my birthday and Christmas money all those years and being without my husband for a few days. I just love the quality of picture I get. It is amazing the detail and color difference. So here are a few pictures from my new camera.

Here is the nutcracker that I practiced on the first night I got my camera. I seriously had over 100 pictures of it!

Chase playing with my lens cap.

What is with that tongue?

Jordan loves to look at books. She loves to go to the library and pick out stacks and stacks of books.

I can actually capture the cute freckles on Jordan's face.

Jordan was often my practice subject while Kailyn was at school and the boys were sleeping.

Had to put this picture in. There aren't many pictures of Ken. There aren't many of me for that matter, but that is because I am normally the one behind the camera.

Caden loves to wear this basket as a helmet.

I was trying to get pictures of Chase walking. Caden got right in the middle, posed and then came and excitedly asked if he could see a picture of himself.

Chase walking.

Chase discovered chocolate when someone left out their advent calendar. I think he liked it.

Ken was home one day when I had to teach preschool so he volunteered to watch Chase. Apparently, all Chase wanted was a nap. Here he is asleep, on the floor, in the middle of playing.


Stacy said...

What fun! and some really cute kiddos! I am glad that you are enjoying your new camera!

David Kenison said...

What kind of camera is it??

Shelly and Ken said...

Its Nikon D3000.

Kent and Leisy said...

I think I'm going to start the camera/photo club in january! when is ken off? isn't it so much fun? My sister has a picture on her blog of me taking pictures because she's said that's all I did on Christmas!

Lisa said...

how fun!! It is nice to have a nice camera. It really does make a big difference

Lynn said...

Love Jordan's haircut! I love the picture of Kailyn and Chase.
Love you
Grandma B