Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

We had a great Fourth this year. Ken was supposed to work but thanks to motion sickness on his helicopter ride he was able to enjoy it with us. This was the first year we have done anything. The first year Ken worked and the second year he was going to be on call (aka a 30 hour shift) the next day so we didn't go. This year we went and watched the Maumee fireworks on July 3rd. Then on the Fourth we (minus Ken who did have to work this night) went to Renae and Eric Mark's house for s'mores and a little fireworks.

Watching the fireworks on the fourth with the Phillips.

Chase is such a good baby now. I can't believe how he has gone from needing to be held 24/7 to being happy and content just sitting in his stroller, it still is so weird to me. With 3 other little kids to take care of at the Marks' home, I am so thankful Chase was happy on his own for the first little bit.




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