Monday, June 1, 2009


Chase had his first solids last week. This is the earliest we have given any of our kids solids, but we were told it could help with his spitting up. I am willing to try almost anything to stop the faucet that sometimes comes from Chase's mouth.

The bite.

Not sure what to think.

Not really a fan.

Maybe a finger would help.Yes! Fingers make it much more palatable.
The verdict.

Although he does happen to be smiling in the last picture, overall he really wasn't a fan. He does need to get a little better about actually swallowing some.


Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

-k- I am so glad I read your post. Ellia was exactly the same way with her shots this time! I couldn't get the fever to break with Tylenol. Finally Motrin did the job. She was super tender too. Did they use the new shot where 3 of the old shots were combined into one new shot? Maybe that's why. Maybe not. He sure is getting big fast. Don't stress too much about him being small. Janie was the same way, and she's fine.

Kent and Leisy said...

I love the last picture!!! and I am sooo not ready for solids on ike yet! I may wait till six months this time- out of pure laziness.

Brenda said...

i love coming to your blog and seeing a lot of new posts! your kids are getting so big, I wish we could see them more.