Thursday, October 30, 2008

Washington D.C.

So we took this trip last month but I have not been able to post it. For many reasons-being out of town, trying to find time to sort through a ton of photos from the trip, a shattered computer screen that recently got fixed and blogger being against me (I actually already created this post once but it had problems and refused to post or save.

We had so much fun in D.C.! We met up with Ken's missionary companion and we had a lot of fun with them Sunday and then going to the zoo on Monday. Our kids got along so well with their kids. I'm so glad we were able to met up with them it really made our trip so much funner.

The kids got such a kick out of watching the Nelson's home videos.

Kailyn decided to eat her string cheese by putting it on her legs. Why? I have no idea.

Taking a Sunday walk.

Doing crafts Sunday at the Nelson's.

Caden taking a little Sunday snooze.

Group picture ath the Smithsonian National Zoo.

One of the kids favorite exihibits. The tunneling rats. They loved watching the blind rats run through the tunnels and run into eachother. I personally found the hairless rats gross looking.

When we finally decided to head back to the car so we could go get some lunch, Braydon offered to push the stroller for me. Wow!, what a strong kid. He pushed that thing with Caden and Jordan in it for a really long distance and all uphill.

These are the monkeys that were directly overhead as you walk on the path through the zoo.

Kailyn and Ken all wet after playing in the misters.

Kailyn loved playing in the misters. (see is the one far left)


Jordan saw this frog and thought it would make a cute picture, but she insisted that it include only her.

All of the kids. I love Caden's smirky smile.

Caden got a kick out of the monkey that came up to the glass and started interacting with him.

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