So Caden just seems to have taken off in vocab and comprehension in the last month. It really has been amazing. He can also throw quite the fit though. With stomping feet and often throwing himself onto the ground. Even with his fits he can be so incredibly cute. His latest thing is pretending to be a cat (or dog). He comes up to my leg and says "mom, mom, meow," and then he wants me to pet him (no idea where he got this from). He will also start tapping people on the head saying duck, duck, goose and then starts walking away. The thing I love is that he will actually play
with the girls (something I don't think either of my other girls had mastered at this point). Like a couple of days ago he had a tea party with Jordan. He also often pretends to cook and will come and offer me a cookie. He also loves to play hide and go seek (I'm amazed cause I never helped him play he just has picked it up from the other two girls playing). He actually does pretty good. He covers his eyes, "counts," and then goes and finds the girls.
He has also been my pickiest eater. He has an amazing ability to pick out only what he wants and leaves everything else. He will sometimes even refuse to eat. If he doesn't like the looks of it he won't even try it. It is frustrating cause it is really hard to get him to try new things. There are a lot of things he refuses to eat like sandwiches of any kind (he only likes bread if it is toasted), milk etc. But there are a few things he loves, loves, loves. He can make a whole meal out of yogurt, oranges, mandarin oranges, and crackers.
Overall, I'd have to say I just love this kid to death.
Caden eating FHE treats tonight. Saturday I made some banana bread. Caden wanted more so he pushed over a chair, climbed up on it and helped himself.
Caden looks so much like Ken, especially in that third picture! So cute and so grown up, I can never believe it!
Caden has been great to have in nursery except when Jordan won't leave him alone. He is not our pickest eater, but I have noticed that there are things he will not eat. I think he has quickly become a favorite.
Wat a cute little boy! They sure do grow up fast!
I agree too about Caden looking a lot like Ken. I wonder if you have put his and Caden's baby pictures side by side to see the similarities...
Hi you guys! Just wanted to respond a little to your comment about the Jordan issue at night because Sydney actually has the same problem and we were so fed up with it we resolved it the same way you did. Just thought that was also a little ironic. I'm actually a little concerned and am going to bring it up with my doctor the next time I'm in. Talk to you soon:)Caden is as adorable as ever!
So cute!! Aren't they so much fun! Hey-I just got called to be the primary pres. in our ward...we'll need to keep in close contact for ideas and such. I also think Joni is the pres. in her ward?? Fun stuff.
I love the picture showing off Caden's big blue eyes. I also liked the two pictures of Caden eating the banana bread. The first one is a grumpy face because he got caught, but then when he realizes he didn't get stopped he has a big smile on his face!
He's such a grown up little boy Shelly! When did that happen?
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