Saturday, April 27, 2013

Silly Ava

Ava believes ketchup is a new food group.

Ken was doing a Wii night with the boys and Ava while the 2 older girls were with Mom. Ava crawled into Ken's lap and almost immediately went limp. She was out cold.

We have church at noon, which makes nap time for Ava really difficult. On this particular Sunday she had missed her naps altogether. Around 5 things suddenly were too quiet. I realized I hadn't seen Ava in awhile. We started looking for her and calling her response. We started to get a little worried when Ken stumbled upon Ava asleep on a stool. She was apparently on a mission but got too tired. The kids thought it was hilarious and started laughing, which woke her up. She was not too happy to be woken up by her laughing brothers and sisters and laying her head on a hard counter top.

Pretty girl in pink, ready for bed.

1 comment:

chrisjones said...

Hmm....I wonder who she inherited that ketchup love from???