Sunday, June 10, 2012

Caden's Pre-K Graduation

Preschoolers are about the cutest things on earth. Caden is definitely cute. He gets so excited about things he can hardly contain himself. He recently had his preschool graduation. He was so excited.

Coming in wearing his safari hat.

Love his smile (he is in the middle with the blue shirt and yellow tie, which by the way he was SOOO excited to wear to school)

He is ready for Kindergarten (please ignore the thing growing out of his head, should have checked the background)

On the left is his teacher Miss Kim and and on the right is the teacher assistant Miss Becky.


chrisjones said...

Yay Caden! He is sure growing up!

Brent Bassett said...

I am so proud of you Caden. What a handsome young man.