Thursday, September 1, 2011

Aunt Megan's Graduation

Aunt Megan graduated from High School this year. Shelly and the kids were able to go to Montana for the graduation. Of course it had to rain almost the whole time we were there! The kids enjoyed the rain (at least the first couple of days).

They wanted to use umbrellas to start with...

...but soon learned that jumping in the rain without the umbrellas was much funner.

The girls 'helped' Grandma by taking water coming out of the rain spout and using it to overflow fill the bird bath.

Kailyn lost a tooth during the visit. She was very glad she caught back up with Jordan.

Grandma helped the kids make homemade pretzels. 

Ava was cute as usual.

Aunt Megan's Open House
Luckily the day of the graduation the weather was absolutely perfect.  Can you imagine these crazy kids stuck inside all day?

Caden and Krew making sure no one gets into the cooler before the guests arrived.

Aunt Jessica, Shelly, and Chase helping get things ready.

Aunt Ashley and Ava wore matching outfits.

I could not believe how many people showed up. It was insane! Who knew my sister had so many friends?

Kailyn, Jordan, Hailey, and Aunt Jessica with Krew



Aunt Megan opening our card.

Our busy long day wiped Chase and Grandpa out.

Kailyn playing Mancala with Aunt Ashley. Kailyn played with any willing body.

Grandma did a blog post about Aunt Megan's graduation. If you can't tell, it was REALLY funny.

Graduation Day

Aunt Megan in her graduation robes.

Aunt Ashley, Aunt Jessica (holding a sleeping Krew), and Me

Grandma scouting out trying to get a picture of Aunt Megan.

All of the sisters/aunts (we missed you Uncle Scott)

Grandma and Grandpa, happy to be empty nesters.


chrisjones said...

That was a fun time! I couldn't have pulled it together without you and Jess and Ashley!

Jorden and Jessica said...

Oh! I will NEVER forget the blog post from mom! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! I had no idea you got a picture! But glad you did!