Thursday, November 25, 2010


For Family Home Evening we talked about being thankful.  Everyone in the family took a few minutes to write down why they were thankful for others in the family.  Here is what everyone said (other than Chase who doesn't say much right now).

Caden said...
Dad: He lets me help.
Mom:  Cause she helps dad.
Kailyn: She lets me play 'I Spy.'
Jordan: She helps Dad.
Chase: He shared the last sucker with me.

Jordan said...
Dad: I like the dinner he made for us today.
Mom: Makes dinner for us.  She does everything for us.  She cleans up.
Kailyn: She's a great friend.  I like to play with her.
Caden: Such a sharer-because he shared his chocolate with me a little.
Chase: He's so cute. I love his cute smile and his grumpy smile.
Unborn baby: That she's going to join our family.  That she kicks Mom and sometimes I can feel it.

Kailyn said...
Dad: His hard work to get money.
Mom: Here yummy food.
Jordan: She is so nice.
Caden: His imagination.
Chase: I like to play tag with him and hide-and-seek.

Mom said...
Dad: He makes me laugh and is always willing to help.
Kailyn: She works really hard at school and loves to learn.
Jordan: She loves to surprise people with little notes or acts of kindness.
Caden:I love his imagination.
Chase: The funny things he says (like anytime he sees someone in the family he gets excited and says, "Hi, Chase!").  He always makes me laugh.

Dad said...
Mom: She helps me understand.  She sees things from the perspective of "why are they doing this?"
Kailyn: Smile; dimple; tries to be a good example.
Jordan: Proud of work
Caden: Plays pretend and tells me what's on his mind.
Chase: Love how he says, "Hi, Chase!"  Puts diapers away.
Unborn baby: Turned her head for the 3D ultrasound.

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