Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bassett Reunion

The Bassett reunion took place up in the mountains. When we got to the camp ground it was chilly (our car said it was 50 when we arrived). There was a little stream next to our campground and the kids of course got wet almost immediately and soon regretted their decision as they huddled around the campfire to get warm.

We made dinner and were able to eat in a gazebo (it was a large building with 3 walls and a roof) as it rained. That night most people slept in a nearby hotel while our family and Ken's brother's family slept in tents inside the gazebo. Unfortunately, we were NOT prepared for such cold weather. We had packed light for our trip to Montana, since we had to fit stuff in our car for both reunions and for living 2 weeks without our stuff once we got to our new home. Thank goodness everyone was kind and shared their stuff since we only had jackets to keep us warm. It was a long night, it was cold and I heard a bear near our camp (Ken's brother heard it too and we had seen the bear earlier in the day). Once I heard that bear I could not sleep. In the morning this is what greeted us....

Yes that is snow!!

Look it even stuck to the roof of the gazebo and there were spots on the ground too. After breakfast it was decided that we should just head home. My reaction...

Yes, I was happy at the thought of getting out of the cold and wet and quickly worked to take down our tent.

I even think Grandma was happy to be leaving.

A few people took the kids to the hotel so that we could clean up faster. Though they did leave one behind. Can he make it over the puddle?

Once we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house it was a lot warmer. We took advantage of the nice weather and played a game of croquet.



Jordan with her buddy, Aunt Brenda.


Ken also took the kids for a ride on his old dirt bike. They LOVED it! I had to pry Chase off of it when we were done. He did not want to get off.

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