Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jordan Turns 8!

Jordan turned 8 this year. She was SO excited for her birthday and baptism this year. I was lucky enough to get to eat lunch at school with this special girl on her special day. She was so excited for me to come and eat with her (not sure if she was excited to see me or the lunch I smuggled in for her). In our house, on your birthday you don't have to do your chores and you get to choose what we eat for dinner and dessert. Jordan choose taco salad for dinner (her absolute favorite dinner, she asks for it all the time). Then for dessert she choose brownies and ice cream. 
Pretty excited for her special day.

Jordan is a hands-on kind of girl, she loves crafts. Here she is opening a sewing kit to make a stuffed owl for  herself and one for her doll.

Yarn, so she can do more finger knitting.

Kisses to tell Ava thank you for her gift.

Hug for big sister.

Daddy kisses.

Jordan's new scripture bag (made by her mom).

Pictures of the party goers enjoying their brownies and ice cream...

Ava and I look like total opposites. Ava looks wired and ready to party and I look ready for bed.

A little about Jordan...

Favorite color? pink
Favorite food? taco salad
What do you want to be when you grow up? a vet
Favorite thing to do? read or play with friends/family or pets
Who are your friends? Emma, Malina, Kai, Makahl
What is your favorite toy? finger knitting
Favorite Story/Book? Harry Potter
Where do you want to live when you get big? in a mansion in Utah
How many kids are you going to have? 7
Favorite song? When I am Baptized
Favorite movie? Barbie movies
What makes you happy? read
What makes you sad? when someone is hurting animals or babies
How do you know mom and dad love you? cause they spend some of their money on us

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Day on the Bike Trail

Let me just start by saying..."I LOVE the weather here." Here we are in January and it is sunny and mild. It was so nice that we decided to spend the day outside. I had been trying to get Ken to go to a little trail a block from our house for awhile but he never wanted to. I finally talked him into it. He had no idea it was so fun, he was quite impressed. It has a little stream down the middle, a trail on the side, a bridge across and lots of trees and sticks to play with. Oh, and I can't forget the rope swing. (We had our friends' girl Tessa with us for the week while they were out of town.) The other benefit, it totally wore the kids out. (PS Jordan was with us but she got wet right at the beginning and went home to change and cool off, she was not having a good day. I didn't even realize I only took pictures in the beginning and then put the camera away. Sorry Jordan.)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kids Pics Jan 2013

Ava loves her hat.
Ken gives Ava her favorite doll and stuffed toy.

She hugs them, walks out of the room, and immediately turns around.

Then she gives them to Ken. She does this over and over. She is obsessed with bringing us her toys especially her doll.




Ava has gotten into hitting, especially poor Chase. On the other hand, she loves to hug and kiss him.

Kailyn getting ready for her class play.

Her friend spray painted her hair to be red like the character she was playing.

Kailyn did great in her play... loud, clear, eye contact, and great emotion. She did a really good job.

Taking a bow.

Kailyn designed and created the program cover.

The kids love having their friends over for dinner. Good thing that they have such great friends, I don't mind losing my sit every once in awhile. (Going around table clockwise: Jordan, Tessa, Ava, Anna, Kailyn, Caden, Chase, Kai)

Yep, I love my kids.

They are pretty amazing.

For Chase's birthday, he got this stuff to make bath water turn to slim. The boys were very hesitant at first, but Caden eventually warmed up to the idea and loved it. Chase loved walking around in it but refused to sit down.
Chase just walking around.

We got new sleds! Unfortunately, we haven't had much snow around here. Caden quickly found a solution.

Chase joined in and they and so much fun. Kept them happy forever.

Ava is definitely a strong willed child. She has started to refuse to take a nap and guess what happens, I find this cuteness on the couch at 4 o'clock.

Kailyn and her friend Anna playing.

Chase and Ava love to dress up.

I love when everyone can play together. Here is Kai, Tessa, Kaily, Jordan, Anna, Ava, and Chase all playing 'house/poor kids' together.

It doesn't take much to make my day. I had just gotten done putting Caden, Chase, and Ava to bed (Ken was working), I was exhausted it had been a long day. I came down to find the dinner table cleared and wiped down. Kailyn, bless her heart, had done it without me even asking. Total made my day.

Ava loves her "pack-pack".

Ava came up to me and asked me to put on Chase's new cape and mask that he had gotten for his birthday. As soon as I got it on, she bent her knees and poised and in a deep voice said "Batman!" (wish I could have recorded it, it was the funniest cute).